Peaceful sleep - Complex flower essences BIONEW, 50 ml

from Ladrôme
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The complex Peaceful Sleep promotes serenity and peace of mind for quality sleep.

The complex Peaceful Sleep promotes serenity and peace of mind for quality sleep.

Complex will: move forward with determination
"Peaceful Sleep" is a combination of Bach flower remedies that promote serenity and peace of mind.It contributes to a quality sleep, helping you to feel rested in the morning on waking.


  • 2 sprays under the tongue, 4 times daily.
  • For children, realize the sprays in a glass of water to obtain a diluted solution.


5 flower remedies: Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria), Aspen (Populus tremula), Pine (Pinus sylvestris), Verbena (Verbena officinalis), White Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum alba).


Bottle spray 20ml

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